
For the Business Sector:

We offer specialized consulting for entrepreneurs, businesses and corporations who want to enter the market safely, ensure stability in the market, communicate the importance of their products and services, as well as who want to expand the market and look for new opportunities, beyond what they have achieved so far.

Investment plans, expansion plans and business strategies

International networking and partnership

Negotiations and exclusive representation of goods and services


Market analysis and market position

Thematic economic analysis

Management and training of human resources


Profiling, performance enhancement and trend forecasting

Conceptual development and writing of projects and grants

Online research assistance and Help Desk Back Up


Project Management


Commercial Marketing


Consumer Relations

For the Political Sector

We appreciate the courage, passion and vision for change that politicians and especially young politicians want to bring to society. Therefore, we take care that this is done in the right way. Political messages should move not only hearts but also chairs. We are here to channel political passion into political competence, up to uncompromised victory.

Preparation of messages, speeches, meetings and political summaries


Ideological and Structural Profiling

Public opinion research and election map measurement


Geopolitical and socio-political analysis

Advanced thematic research

Management of election campaigns


Management of social networks

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Analysis of legislation and assistance in legislative changes

Up to Date Politics Service


Construction of political topics and community causes

Join Kostrateg and Let's Achieve Excellence Together!

Ready to elevate your business, political journey, or personal growth? Join Kostrateg for strategic solutions and unparalleled expertise. Let’s achieve excellence together

Join Kostrateg and Let's Achieve Excellence Together!

Ready to elevate your business, political journey, or civic engagement? Join Kostrateg for strategic solutions and specialized expertise. Let’s achieve excellence together